rajesh ramani
Mentor, teacher & retreat facilitator

Rajesh Ramani

Visiting Period : 3rd August to 31st August 2024

Rajesh Ramani is a globally renowned mentor, teacher, and retreat facilitator with over 25 years of experience across 18 countries. His journey from banker to monk, spending 13 years immersed in mindfulness and Eastern philosophy, shapes his unique approach to personal growth and leadership.

Guiding Holistic Development and Emotional Wellbeing

As co-founder of the Responsible Leadership Institute in Switzerland and Mindfulness and Beyond, Rajesh offers holistic training programs and heart-centred wellbeing initiatives. At Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary in Thailand, he served as a Life Enhancement Mentor, where his compassionate guidance focuses on personal development, relationship enrichment, and emotional equilibrium, fostering holistic wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Rajesh’s philosophy emphasises cultivating mindfulness, self-inquiry, and kindness to unlock true potential and foster compassion. From boardrooms to meditation halls, his teachings resonate with seekers from all walks of life.

In essence, Rajesh Ramani embodies the essence of enlightened leadership—a fusion of inner wisdom and outer action, grounded in compassion and driven by purpose. Through his guidance, countless souls have discovered the power within themselves to lead lives of authenticity, fulfilment, and joy.

Holistic Healing Package with Rajesh Ramani

Join Rajesh for 5 mentoring sessions, each lasting 75 minutes, where you’ll delve deep into self-discovery and self-care. Through a blend of talk therapy, inner healing processes, and tailored practices, Rajesh will guide you towards healing and resetting your body, mind, and heart. Complementing these sessions are daily yoga sessions led by our in-house master and indulge in 3 treatments of your choice throughout the week.

Personalised Self-Care Solutions

At Santani, we understand that true wellness is personal, and our a la carte offerings empower you to prioritise self-care in a way that aligns with your unique desires and objectives. Whether you’re looking to unwind, recharge, or embark on a transformative inner journey, we invite you to discover the enriching experiences that await you.

Body Woker (Healing Massage)

Julien de Reynal

Visiting Period : 10th June to 10th July 2024

Julien, a vibrant spirit with a deep interest in holistic healing, made a bold move to leave the familiar shores of Martinique and his thriving massage business to dedicate his career to mastering the art of massage. Julien’s journey began with a diverse career path, but fate intervened when he discovered the power of Thai massage. Leading him to reputable schools where he acquired his skills in Thai Massage, Chi Nei Tsang, and more. His dedication didn’t stop there – Julien ventured to the Amritapuri Ashram in India and The Light House Ahangama hotel in Sri Lanka, elevating his practice.

Body therapy with the touch of his uniqueness

Julien’s approach to body therapy seamlessly blends body weight and leverages acupressure techniques, guided by his intuitive wisdom to locate deep trigger points within muscles and tendons, as well as the reservoirs where emotions reside. Sensations may stir within—a mix of peace, anger, pleasure, pain, or the gentle realignment of your body’s harmony. Each session with Julien is crafted uniquely, resulting in treatments as distinct as your own fingerprint. With intuition as our guide and a pure heart, the realm of healing holds endless possibilities.

Use of sound healing

Sound healing is a deeply immersive practice that taps into the ancient wisdom of vibrational therapy to foster holistic wellness. By harnessing the potent frequencies emitted by various sonic tools such as guitar and flute, or even the human voice, Julien creates an auditory landscape that resonates with the body’s innate rhythms. As these reverberations wash over the listener, they penetrate deep into the cells, clearing energetic blockages and restoring equilibrium.

Body Therapy with Julien at Santani

To ensure you have a beneficial and comfortable experience, please review the following guidelines. Before the session, avoid eating too much and refrain from consuming caffeine. The use of intoxicants is strictly prohibited. During the session, the treatment is performed on the floor without the use of oils. Please wear loose and comfortable clothing; shorts are acceptable. If you have any conditions such as high or low blood pressure, past accidents, or chronic pain, inform us beforehand.

The effects of the treatment may take days to integrate. You may experience changes in mood, pain, sensations of energy moving in the body, or feelings of joy or peace. Listen to your body, rest when needed, and avoid sports activities if you feel reluctant to participate, as it may be dangerous. Refrain from using intoxicants during this integration period.

Each session lasts 2 hours and 30 minutes, which includes 2 hours of treatment and 30 minutes for assessment.

Yoga Teacher

Karthik Krishna

Visiting Period : Oct 24th and 30th

Karthik’s journey of yoga is one of great learning, decades of self-practice, and devotion to sharing the knowledge with those willing to realize their mind, body and soul. As a child he was fascinated by the challenging postures of yoga and became an avid practitioner by the age of ten. His immense interest led him to participate in and win many National and International yoga competitions. His urge to achieve perfection in the postures lead him into discovering the actual practice and true path of yoga. By the age of seventeen, his passion led him to choose teaching yoga as a career path.

He opened his own yoga shala, traveled to China to teach multiple workshops for thousands of people, and since has led countless classes and yoga teacher trainings in Mysore, India. In a place well known for its yoga teachers, Karthik stands out as one of the best. He has perfected the art of creating a practice that is both subtle and intense in its own way, simultaneously therapeutic and advanced. All are welcomed to his classes, and while many different people arrive for practice, by the end all are united in one peaceful state of mind.

Visiting Master

Keysha Arriaga Reynolds

This March we welcome our visiting master Keysha Arriaga Reynolds, who we are thrilled to have with us for several months this year. Keysha is a greatly experienced healer, specializing in sound therapy, Watsu therapy and yoga. Her education and qualifications run the gamut, including Chinese medicine, sound therapy, meditation, physiotherapy, Watsu therapy, and other healing modalities.

Having worked in Costa Rica, Iceland, the Maldives and Abu Dhabi, Keysha comes to us as a wellness specialist with a global sensibility. We’re excited to see her holistic approach combining several wellness modalities in action at Santani Wellness Kandy.

Visiting Period : March - August
Visiting Master

Sushant Pandey

Dressed in a traditional white cotton kurta and trousers, Sushant Pandey is the opposite of the Lycra-clad yogis of the West. As you practice with him, you begin to understand what the discipline is all about. Pandey radiates calm and can backbend his lean, flexible frame almost in two with supreme ease, yet his message is not that we need to be tying ourselves in knots or standing on our head. It’s about ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’ and a session may find you focusing on breathing methods and sitting postures rather than complicated positions.

That doesn’t mean you don’t work hard: under his gentle and graceful guidance, you’ll find yourself deeply engrossed, stretching to your limits in the meditative detail of even the simplest postures, such as the tree pose. Pandey’s combination of ancient yogic techniques and an understanding of the 21st-century psyche encourage a profound shift in our day-to-day lives. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, your mind, body and yoga practice will be transformed.

Tension & trauma Releasing Exercises With Lori Ann

Lori Anne

Lori Ann is a passionate practitioner and trainer of TRE® or Trauma Releasing Exercises. Developed by Dr. Berceli, this innovative muscle relaxation process actually follows a practice deeply rooted in human behaviour.It is common among other species in the Natural Kingdom to shake in the aftermath of a deeply traumatic event however we have been taught to suppress this natural expression of our bodies. TRE® uses a series of safe and effective exercises to activate the body’s natural shaking reflex to release years of built-up tension, stress and trauma and in order to initiate self-healing. Lori Ann is one of those at the forefront of this movement.

Lori Ann is an internationally certified TRE® Trainer and a Member of the Global TRE® International Board of Directors. She has taught TRE® to thousands of clients both privately and in groups and attracts hundreds to Thailand to train to become globally certified TRE® Providers. She also chaired the TRE Global Summit held in Chiang Mai in 2021.

Lori Ann is the Founder and CEO of Freedom Within Wellness, where she and her Partner Yahya Bey are living their vision of guiding humanity inward to experience and live out their truest potential by providing practical alternatives such as TRE® to naturally restore lasting balance and wellness throughout the mind body and spirit.Lori Ann will attend Santani in April, where she will guide guests through the key principles of TRE® and help them work through deep muscle tension and trauma as necessary.

Color Outside the Lines With Fabienne Francotte

Fabienne Francotte

“Let me tell you how I draw,” she says. “Late at night. No lights. Eyes wide open. Straight to the point. Like a cat”

These words capture what Fabienne is: an artist, therapist, a guide and mentor. She has nurtured artistic self-expression in students at design institutions, among refugees in camps and in rehabilitation centres among others. Her training as a calligrapher and at the Royal Conservatory of Dance in Brussells under famed choreographer Maurice Béjart cemented her artistic language. While Fabienne started out in calligraphy where she acquired strict discipline in her craft, this rigidity would later give way to her distinctive free flowing lines, looping in and out of the paper in mesmerizing shapes, to form the portraits that have now come to define her style.

Each portrait is unique as the subject is unique and offers psychological insight into each persona she draws.
Thus, Fabienne believes firmly in the power of art to heal. She has worked with the Rohingya refugees and youth at the National Institute of Mental Health. Her goal is to encourage self-esteem and mindful expression by focusing on identity, highlighting their life journey and providing a positive experience through drawing, painting and sculpting.

Visiting Master

Wayne Lèal

AKA: Mr. Super-Ager as described by the Telegraph newspaper. It is a testament to what he has achieved: featured in several newspapers, magazines and featured on the BBC News.

He is a published author, Senior Yoga instructor, NLP Coach, former magazine publisher, designed the livery for an international airline, and winner of a small businessman of the year award. Experienced several life crises, cheated death, injured every major joint in his body and had several invasive surgeries.His bio-hacking ‘Super-Ageing program’ is designed for people who want to combat age-related issues. Such as body confidence, weight gain, low energy levels, lack of drive changes that can bring physical limitations. It acknowledges the simple fact that getting your mind and body into shape at 40 and over is different to the one you faced at 20.

Because when people rush back into fitness after a long lay-off they are more susceptible to sprains, pulled muscles, fractures, shin splints and other injuries – overdoing it in a sudden need to get fit again.Wayne says, ‘People are very good at starting a new health plan, but the discipline to maintain it regularly is where they fail.’ One-to-one consultations with Wayne have helped world-class athletes and people with the most enviable lifestyles get to the root of their problems, overcome challenges, and make positive changes in their life.Finally, few people can claim to have coached at the world’s top spas and created a program that comes from the process of self-experimentation, and science to optimize physical and mental health.

Kundalini Yoga Expert

Paramjot Singh

Paramjot is an experienced Kundalini yoga and meditation trainer, healer, counsellor, empowerment life coach and stress and burnout specialist with experience in some of the top wellness resorts in the world. At Santani, he will be offering personalised yoga and deep meditation sessions that will activate the flow of your energy which might have been blocked and causing you pain, tension or stiffness. He is working as a yoga therapist specialising in teaching people recovering from addictions, mental illness, cardiovascular disorders, lung and breathing problems, depression and cancer.

A powerful session with him will renew your energy and ultimately relax your mind. When we guide ourselves and are no longer at the mercy of subconscious habits, then we become the master of the self. But to overcome old habits and start new ones we need strong nerves and willpower. It will reprogramme your subconscious mind and prepare you to walk back home as a new person.

He also offers a deep tissue pressure point massage and chakra balancing treatments.

Human Enhancement Coach – The Mota Method

Sandro Mota

Sandro is a leading human enhancement coach. With over 20 years in the wellness industry, he has helped thousands of clients transform their lives by connecting deeply with their mind, body and spirit through the breath.

Sandro is super passionate about supporting his clients achieve an optimum physical mental and emotional state using the power of modality of breathwork and has created his own unique format called The MOTA Method.

Many of his clients have shared that their session with Sandro was one of the most profound and impactful experiences of their lives. The results of his sessions can be
truly life-changing.

Visiting Master

Evelyn Worz

Evelyn Param Dhyan is a German licensed Naturopath, psychological counsellor, reiki master and trainer as well as Kundalini Yoga teacher. She is gifted with a high degree of sensitivity and empathy to channel the healing energy.

At Santani, she is offering “Touch of Soul Healing” with the combination of soul counselling, ayurvedic massage and deep healing hands. Evelyn will also offer regression therapy, reprogramming, psychotherapeutic support, family system and psychokinesiology as well as Abhyanga can also be provided to all Santani guests, during her stay at the resort.

Holistic Wellness, Movement & Fitness Specialist

Lorelei Bulan

Lorelei is an international wellness specialist, certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Trainer, dance artist and Ayurveda advocate, renowned for her unique holistic approach to fitness and health.
As a certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Trainer, she helps treat back pains, spinal problems, tightness of shoulder and hip joints, and relieves stress on neck and entire body.

She teaches organic spinal motions and joint mobilisation exercises that expand the whole body, while enhancing flexibility, balance, posture and coordination. Lorelei’s supportive hands-on training method creates great adjustments to the body, making one feel energised, lengthened, more in alignment and inspired.

A dance artist of 23 years, Lorelei is very attuned with the body and proper technique to attain immediate results and avoid injury. She also offers therapeutic movement and meditation which focus on trust, relaxation and awareness of the mind, body and soul; as well as classical ballet and contemporary dance classes.

Lorelei is very passionate about holistic fitness and well-being with training, education and teaching expertise in the United States, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Thailand and Seychelles.

Visiting Master

Natasha Richardson

RYT500 Hatha | Vinyasa | Yin | Yoga Nidra (Dream) RYT500 Vedic | Tantric Psychagogic Meditation CIM Marketing |ASA Coach |CNM Champissage Therapist LifeStrategist, Writer, Speaker Educator, Inspirer.

Using ancient yogic techniques, movement therapy, biomechanical awareness and an understanding of neuroscience and the 21st-century psyche, Natasha encourages profound shifts within the human brain as well as the physical and emotional body. The marriage of Natasha’s business acumen as well as her long standing practice and development in yogic philosophy, cranial therapy, movement therapy, massage and work with biocompatible colour healing equates to an offering that is as intrinsically unique and detailed as it is effective in today’s overwhelming, all consuming world.

Natasha began her journey of yoga and higher conscious education at the age of 14 and ended up launching some of the world’s most renowned health, wellbeing and fitness businesses in London including Barry’s Bootcamp. Her spiritual journey took her to the birthplace of yoga, Rishikesh, India where she studied her Yoga Alliance Accredited 200 Hour Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Training Certification at The Samanvaya Vidya Dham Ashram under Sir Sushant Pandey, respected swami and sage to the stars including Oprah Winfrey and Uma Thurman. She then studied her Yoga Alliance Accredited 300 Hour in the southern tip of Costa Rica in Pavones, covering Advanced Hatha Yoga Asana Yang, Advanced Restorative Yin, Kids and Teens Yoga, Yoga for Prenatal and Postnatal, Bhuddist and Vedic Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga Nidra and Dream Yoga, Fascia and meridian lines, Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga (Fascia/Cittas) and an abundance of Mind-Body Techniques.

She was recently featured in The Organic Pharmacy 2019 detox campaign, offering tutorials how to clean your-’self’ from the inside out. She has also been featured in OK! Magazine for her Chroma Meditations that keep Megan Markle motivated. She has collaborated with some hugely influential brands and businesses, helping them to expand their products and services into a more conscious way of working, including Heals, L’Oreal, The Centre for Health and Human Performance, and Rocket Internet. Trained at the Chartered Institute for Naturopathic Medicine London studying Cranial Therapy and Ayurvedic Champissage, Natasha is also a qualified PADI Freediver and ASA swimming Coach.

Visiting Master

Jenny Mullen

Jenny comes from a background of Osteopathy and Sports rehabilitation and studied at Oxford Brookes University and St Mary’s University, London. A member of the General Osteopathic council, she is well versed in treating a wide spectrum of injuries and dysfunctions such as sports injuries, post-operative rehabilitation, postural problems in adults and children.

She uses a use a variety of osteopathic techniques such as trigger point release, fascial unwinding, mobilisations and manipulations of joints, passive stretching, MET’s, cranial techniques and ultrasound therapy as well as implementing appropriate rehabilitation programmes and providing ergonomic education. Additionally, Jenny is also a qualified Pilates mat-work instructor and incorporate my Pilates knowledge into the rehabilitation programs. At Santani, Jenny will provide personalized sessions, which include fitness bootcamps, osteopathy sessions, and pilates classes.

Visiting Master

David Zenon

Davide Zenon is an expert and celebrated healer with experience at worlds best wellness resorts including Chiva Som, Ananda in the Himalaya, and Six Senses.

With authentic presence and healing touch, David brings consciousness to the fears and blockages within our body and mind, and then works to accept, transmute and heal them. Every healing session is designed to address your unique goals.

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Provide your name and email address so we can schedule your consultation. A reservations agent will provide available timeslots.

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