Route One
BIA to Kurunegala via the Central Expressway.

  • From Kurunegala to Katugasthota via Mawathagama, Galagedara.
  • From Katugasthota to Teldeniya via Madawala, Digana.
  • At Teldeniya, turn left onto Werapitiya Road and drive 12km through Putuhapuwa to Santani Wellness Kandy. Signboards are placed from the Teldeniya turnoff.

Route Two
BIA to Kandy via the Kandy Colombo Road.

  • Kandy to Teldeniya via Kandy Mahiyangana Road.
  • At Teldeniya, turn left onto Werapitiya Road and drive 12km through Putuhapuwa to Santani Wellness Kandy. Signboards are placed from the Teldeniya turnoff.

BIA to Dunhinna School grounds and then a 15-minute drive to the resort

  • BIA to Digana Golf Course and followed by a 45-minute drive to the resort
  • BIA to Polgolla Mahawali River followed by a 45-minute drive to the resort
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A $50 charge is applicable. This amount will be redeemed in your stay with us.
Provide your name and email address so we can schedule your consultation. A reservations agent will provide available timeslots.

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